Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Embassy doctor

Grace is as smart as she looks. We went to the embassy doctor and Grace asked to interpreter if there will be neddles. She was told no. Grace said she will not be afraid, she will not cry. They both had gppd physicals. Grace is 33 pounds and Michael is 22 pounds. Both are groing by leaps and bounds. Michael does what every his sister does and Mama and Papa too. He is not the quiet slow moving kid we met 3 weeks ago. Grace is is pure test mode. "Let me see what the parents will give me" Let's put it this way Barbara is not planmning to fail the test. We are having a lot of fun. We are learning that Grace will do a lot of the little work around and Michael can now hold the sippy cup on his own. This parenting is getting easy. That first day was not easy.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! You're finally working your way home and it sounds wonderful. Your description of the children leaving with you sounded wonderfully funny although I'm sure it didn't feel that way to you. Lots of changes going on for all of you but you'll come through with flying colors. Just keep giving the kids lots of kisses and hugs and reassurance. They will adjust quickly. Lots of snacks, drinks, books and maybe some sleep will help you through the long plane ride home. Much support and love waiting on this end. Can't wait to hear the official Welcome Home date.
Carol :-)

Anonymous said...

Your last two updates sum up parenthood pretty factually. Good days and tough days. Enjoy the good days and get through the tough ones with the realization that tomorrow will be better.

Safe trip home!

Love, BH Curran's

Anonymous said...

more unsolicitated advice. .there is a lifetime to play the power game. Grace just left everything she knows. .give her anything she wants. All the "stuff" will work out in time. . .

Anonymous said...

I truly have enjoyed each and every passage of your journey to unite with your children. You are a wonderful writer and have a beautiful spirit, you remind me a lot of my brother Glenn. Thank you so much for sharing - I can only hope and pray that others who are contemplating adoption read your beautiful story and get inspiration. You will be great parents - as my Cousin Tara says parenthood is definitely a roller coaster ride but hang on tight because boy is it fun.... Love, hugs and prayers for your safe journey home.
Cousins Maria, Mike, Emily, Timmy, & Julia